Nevada Association of
Financial Aid Administrators

Business Meeting Minutes - Fall 1998

NAFAA Fall Conference
October 9, 1998

President Chemene Crawford called the meeting to order at 9:10 am

1998-2000 Treasurer Debbie Perkins reviewed expense report for 98-99.

Al Camp (Western Nevada Community College) moved to approve Treasurer to secure a CD, the amount to be determined by Treasurer, after expenses paid. Jim Hadwick (Western Nevada Community College) seconded.

1998-1999 Secretary Tina Holcomb 98-99 reviewed membership and Fall 1998 Conference membership.

President Chemene Crawford opened for OLD business.

None introduced.

President Chemene Crawford opened for NEW business.

Jim Hadwick (Western Nevada Community College) reminded the membership that NASFAA would be held in Nevada and he was in charge of volunteers for the meeting.

Clothing that could be worn by NAFAA membership at the NASFAA Conference.

Past-President Mona Concha-Buckheart (Truckee Meadows Community College) opened to discussion to send President-Elect Paige Hurley to Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. President Chemene Crawford moved for motion.

Mona Concha-Buckheart (Truckee Meadows Community College) moved to approve President-Elect Paige Hurley to be sent to Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. Marsha Dupree (University of Nevada, Reno) seconded.



President Chemene Crawford moved for budget.

Discussion of costs commenced.

Budget for motion, $1200.00

Mona Concha-Buckheart (Truckee Meadows Community College) moved to approve budget costs. Al Camp seconded.


President-Elect Paige Hurley introduced WASFAA information.

President Chemene Crawford took a moment to thank all sponsors and all attendees at the NAFAA Conference.

President Chemene Crawford adjourned the Business Meeting at 9:45 am.

Respectfully submitted by Tina Holcomb.